METALLICA Greatest Hits Album
The Metallica greatest hits album was created while attending Woodbury University.
This double album contains hit songs throughout Metallica's career from 1983 to 2008. Visual elements from all 9 albums were incorporated into this piece.
Each letter of the word "Metallica" contains artwork from each of the 9 albums.
The bloody title treatment on the front cover is a direct reference to Metallica's first album.
The interior gatefold is an amalgamation of imagery from Metallica's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th albums.
The handpainted vinyl records and record labels are direct references and/or use imagery from Metallica's 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th albums.
The coffin silhouette on the back cover is a direct reference to Metallica's 9th album.